Sunday 12 July 2015

St Tropez Gradual Tan In Shower – The New Way to Self-Tan On Test

Come Summer I’m a self-tanning nut. I have an olive complexion, but it’s on the light side. Without a sweep of artificial colour on my skin, I look pasty and washed out.

Given the frequency with which I apply self-tan, you’d think I’d be rather adept at application. But far from it – a  streak of dark brown on the outside of my lower left leg (or elsewhere) is not an unusual occurrence the morning after a  night before  self-tanning session! Even with a colour guide and a mitt, I sometimes find it tricky knowing if I’ve worked-in the formula properly.

If I haven’t, I’m then wearing embarrassment or more usually long trousers for the next week or two, waiting for the streak to fade (not something you want to be doing come the height and heat of summer)!

So when St Tropez launched its brand new ‘natural looking, streak-free’ Gradual Tan In Shower lotion, I was intrigued.  Actually, my first reaction was bafflement – how can you apply a self-tan in the shower? Beats me!

Well, having finally got my hands on the product and used it almost daily for about a week (it’s a gradual tan), I can safely say that it works!

How to Apply?

Simple. First cleanse your skin in the shower with a body wash. Then with the shower switched off, apply a generous amount of lotion in circular motions to wet skin. Wait three minutes, turn the shower back on and rinse off with water only.

When you’re done, step out the shower and pat skin dry (just dab, don't rub). After showering, the self-tan actives will naturally start to work, developing gradually. For a darker colour, repeat the process (I tend to do consecutive nights until I’ve reached my desired colour).


This really is dead easy to use and quick to apply. It smells pleasant, it leaves skin soft (it contains nourishing sweet almond oil), it dries quickly (reducing the worry of the formula staining your clothes - it hasn’t mine), and it’s reasonably priced (£14.50 for 200ml).
Untanned Inside Arm (top), 3 Applications of St Tropez In Shower on Leg (Bottom)

Most importantly for me, I’ve been streak-free (thus far)!  Plus it leaves you with a most natural light golden colour (I’ve mentioned on this blog before that a lot of self-tanners develop too pink for my olive undertones – hence my fondness for Xen-Tan who formulate especially for olive skins).

Application Tips

As is the nature of self-tanners, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to application technique.  I’ve found the following has helped here:

-    Ensure skin is wet when you apply
-    Apply plenty of formula (more than the 50p piece size that I applied at first)
-    Take your time blending the formula and make sure it’s COMPLETELY absorbed. The first time I used it I didn’t do this, and while it didn’t develop streaky, the formula took longer to dry
-    St Tropez says to wash palms after application. I’d say also make sure you wash the inside of your wrists! I speak from experience!

Final Thoughts

Having used a lot of different brands and products over the years, this new St Tropez formula is currently my favourite to apply. It’s so easy to use (you don’t need a mitt), and I feel confident that I’m not going to wake up the next morning with any nasty surprises (i.e, streaks).  It also fits perfectly into a busy lifestyle –  I can even see myself applying this in the gym shower after a workout! – and it does give a most gorgeous natural looking tan.

You can pick up a free 50ml St Tropez Gradual Tan In Shower with the current issue of Instyle (main pic). There’s also a £2 off voucher inside. Otherwise, the product is available at Boots here (I got £4.50 off in-store this week but the website is currently showing ‘buy 1 get second half-price’).

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